Class distinctions? I would not fit in at the ritz.
The ever present tax subsudies are a dufferent matter
so the liberals in all their intelligence or lack of it, have put the homeless up in hotels and are set to force hotels to take them in while giving them free drugs and food.
all they are doing is reinforcing bad behavior.
liberals destroy and conservatives have to clean up the mess.
Class distinctions? I would not fit in at the ritz.
The ever present tax subsudies are a dufferent matter
i was a witness from grade school ( 1976) until 2007. i seem to remember an important aspect that was always talked about at the hall as being a fact.they would say that "the rocks themselves would cry out" if the public preaching work was to stop,,,,, all i've seen and heard these past few months are the witnesses complaining about the witnessing work coming to a halt.but i've not heard one rock crying .. .
Let me guess. website?
That's the standard letter no tracts because they costs too much. It should have had a name or initials in the return.
Maybe the post office will show a ok profit this year
some towns in massachusetts are fining people 1000 dollars for not wearing a mask 😷 outdoors.
starting wednesday, the governor mandates everyone from 2 years of age up, must wear a mask or get a 300 dollar fine!.
of course some governors are recommending that you rat out anyone that doesn’t follow their orders.. i don’t like it!👎🏿.
Just on tv that a bandana is 15% effective. The N95 is ( wait for it) 95%, depending on particle size.
I am still advising a 99.9 one that will still allow facial recognition, but people will lump me in with Trump when some lowbrow does it.
Plastic bag
the reason that i ask is, in the two years on this forum and you tube, i've seen ex-jw's either drop off entirely or make fewer and fewer videos.
i know the emotional toll can be high.
is that the sole reason, or is it cost (video) or do you think it's external pressure (legal or family)?
There is never going to be a reformed JW organization. That is what some were hopibg for. When they were wrong they were still right. Later they will blame us for thinking they were wrong, the rest will be disappointed again by new light
some towns in massachusetts are fining people 1000 dollars for not wearing a mask 😷 outdoors.
starting wednesday, the governor mandates everyone from 2 years of age up, must wear a mask or get a 300 dollar fine!.
of course some governors are recommending that you rat out anyone that doesn’t follow their orders.. i don’t like it!👎🏿.
Masks are in short supply. They should have been recommended way back when this started, not now. It has always been a good idea to avoid sneezers, push buttons with a tissue. The precautions should also be reducing colds, " other" flu, all the airborne diseases
A side note; I see some restroom doors propped open now. My preference, being male, is the ones with just a blocking partition. Go in let the automatic eye flush and leave and never touch anything. I feel for women who cant pee this way.
Maybe the mask proponents should look at the defecating on the street in some cities.
I do wear a mask, dont sneeze on others, and am discrete about picking my nose. ,
the reason that i ask is, in the two years on this forum and you tube, i've seen ex-jw's either drop off entirely or make fewer and fewer videos.
i know the emotional toll can be high.
is that the sole reason, or is it cost (video) or do you think it's external pressure (legal or family)?
Still in ones certainly burn out. A lot of are held hostage by family, otherwise we would drift off to being good people.
We will never overcome no military experience(, or conversely no hippie), no college, no birthday, no xmas, no Halloween, that always crops up in life.
Actually I think mom was pimo, I did get to a few birthday parties, did Halloween. Dad was too beat working 2 jobs to be a servant.
A buddies mom and stepdad gave me a taste of xmas, new year. Helped me round out.
My in wife fudges on DF family out of common sense. Meeting her did work well, she was a beauty ( old now), hot, and dedicated to her family and mine in turn
some towns in massachusetts are fining people 1000 dollars for not wearing a mask 😷 outdoors.
starting wednesday, the governor mandates everyone from 2 years of age up, must wear a mask or get a 300 dollar fine!.
of course some governors are recommending that you rat out anyone that doesn’t follow their orders.. i don’t like it!👎🏿.
Feel good. I see stage coach robber bandanas, homemade, worn under the nose, obviously dirty and some proper ones. Wiping surfaces has fallen off. The worst is the same damn pair of gloves worn all day.
I also see people driving with mask on, windows up, no passenger, nobody around.
I am not sure Americans are smart enough to know how this microscopic tribble💮 travels. Wash your hands, dont breath on others, don't pick your nose then push the elevator button.
why are taxi firms still operating during a "deadly pandemic?".
i was shopping yesterday and saw taxi after taxi picking people & their shopping up at the supermarket.
none of the drivers or any of the passengers wore masks or gloves, nor did they keep any distance from each other - in or out of the car.. the drivers all helped to load the bags into the boots/trunks of their must be seriously at risk of catching/spreading covid 19...
People who use taxis do not have cars. Public transit is on a limited schedule making using a bus harder
video conferencing systems are being installed in kingdumb halls.
this is being charged to the congregations.. the ability to video conference, zoom, directly from the halls will now be the thing.. i believe that the current situation has given the wts an idea.. if there are two kingdom halls in an area, then one can be sold.. congregations will split the use, half using the hall one week and zooming the next and visa versa..
More videos to negate the personality of speakers. We all know some prominent elders who (rare) are good men. The rest are pompous asses. They can put their corporate ** up.
1. and this is most important, everyone listen up: dress up like you normally would for meeting!
-oh, gawd.. 2. if you use a zoom background, make sure it is not distracting, or something crass like prison.
stick with something dignified and subtle.
Dont forget nylons. I assume a nice blouse and skirt is more comfortable than a tie and jacket. Maybe the nylons make up for that